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  • kesgun

Circus. The story beneath the pictures

Life Creates alot of unexpected hindrances and obstacles. Especially with todays medias, it can seem more than ever that there is a huge pressure to appear as triumphant as your peers, weather your feeling high or low.

Since I began my interest in modeling I have loved the theme of a circus for alot of reasons and have enjoyed playing around with the consept to create some imagery with a personal meaning that I'm sure alot can relate to.

To first understand the concept, there has to be an understanding of preassure. I was lucky enough to get a huge taste of this when I was just 16 years old. In the middle of my college years after leaving school I was chucked out from my home. After a trying few years I suddenly had the responsibility of the world on my shoulders.

With no undertstanding of the real adult world I would be left to find it out for myself. I had a great time, until I didn't. It was easy to figure out how to enjoy myself, as most teenagers would. But getting back up from a bad place was suddenly a very deep hole to get out from with no ladders. Through determination I completed my design course, with a side of insomnia after not sleeping.

Now having finished my education, it was time to test my water. No work came, and still the preassures of peers demanded the happy plentiful life style, Luckily I didn't discover debt. With no direction days blur into months and food becomes a memory.

It was around this time that I figured something out that would stay with me for the rest of my life. In a world where everything is alien and out to get you, no-one helps you, and you have nothing left but yourself. If that is all you have, then you still have yourself to help pick you up.

It was time to pick myself up and tell myself I can embrace all the chaos and rise above it. I was listening to a couple of albums with a circus theme, the artist had gone through rough times and used this theme to express their strength through the mess around them which in turn, made them a stonger person. This alone started a ball rolling for me to sort myself out the best I could. You might not be able to do the best there is, but you can make a start.

Stress is all in the mind. If you can learn to smile in the face of it, take a deep breath and let it fly by then that's half the battle. With every fall, tell yourself your only in the process of making a huge come back. I got a job, any job, and moved to a better house. I didn't know where I was heading, but I knew where and who I was, and I was happy, making footsteps down the right path.

A Circus is a show for everyone to point and laugh at and test you, while you put on a show to entertain in the midst of everyone pulling and pushing you for a long list of reasons, waiting for an accident and ripping you from any hope.

Do it wrong and let it over come you and you'll be eaten up and crumble. Do it well and get a encoure, smile and controle the circus that is life, and everythig will run smooth around you as you give them a freak show to remeber.

Stay strong, keep your head above the water, role with the hustle and bustle, and it won't get the best of you.

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