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  • kesgun

From regular GI Joe to Fashion Model: Kes' Story

Firstly I want to thank you for reading my blog and visiting my page! Always looking for ways to progress, I thought it was about time for a website of my own for people to contact me, gain work, and get a feel for who I am as a model. But it wasn't always as easy as a click away...


And will never be. Modeling, I've found is a tough world, but when done right can have the best rewards. beneath the leaves of glitter and garments lies alot of time and effort. But this is my passion, and I love every minute I put into it.

I discovered I wanted to model from an early age, I have a good hand for drawing (though while writing this I've got a broken tendon in my finger from getting it caught changing, ironic I know, but still managed to find good poses to model) and so loved to see everything as a potential good picture.

From there I grew into adolescence, which developed myself an interest into my image. Social media became my paper, the camera was my pencil, and I would be the picture at the end product. It would all come down to a the perfect posts, selfies, and landscapes. Men in catalogues and anything fashion or photographic related became my idols.

I took up graphic design after school, at the same time I did my first photo shoot for a friend studying photography. I loved the images, and still have them today, but from there I knew what exactly what I loved.

A few years down the line and I'm on my way to my first professional photo shoot with Ash Stanley, founder of Artifex Studios, after having got to know each other previously. The pictures looked amazing, he has alot of passion for his work, and it was clear from the shots. Using these images I built my first portfolio, visited agencies In London, and ended up finding myself at another photo shoot. Young in my career I wasn't aware that this was actully not a real agency. The company that had taken me on, offered me a portfolio at a hefty price tag. I never did get any work from these, and they soon dissapeared from the web. But being me and how determined I was I didn't let this stop me, and used these images to gain further work, build my portfolio up to become stronger, and apply for more agencies.

Today I find myself doing the work I love, seeing every day as an opportunity, and looking at tomorrow as an adventure yet to be known. Every day is a stepping stone to the next, and am always looking at ways to better myself, forward my career, and broaden my horrizons.


Thank you for reading my blog today. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to work with me as a model, dot hesitate to get in touch.

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